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Bioclock plan of regenerative restoration diet and the mecha

作者:Xu Rongxiang 出版社:CHINA SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESS 發(fā)行日期:2009 September

It is necessary for you to comprehend the mechanisms of digestion and absorption, before you understand why you should eat by the way instructed by us.  It is easy to understand that food can not be absorbed and used by cells unless ingested by the GI tract.  Generally, half of the cells in GI tract lose functions of digestion and absorption after age 40.  Later on, I will show you a middle-aged person’s GI tract representing the typical GI tract state of most people in their middle age.  The results of regenerative restoration of this example after treatment shed a light on the goal of our regeneration.  The health of the human body relies on the nutrients intake by GI tract whose dysfunction will definitely debilitate the physical condition.

Before further illustration on that, it is better to show you how the GI tract works on absorption and digestion.  How does the GI tract work after sugar, meat, or oil was taken?  Why do we have to take three meals daily?  The answer is in the diet bioclock of human body.  The human body is composed of 60,000 billion cells which are all alive in the organism.  If 80% of the total cells are working simultaneously, the systemic body will in its energetic status; if 90%, the body can go on well enough for a battle; if 100%, the body will reach to its peak status..  Thus, the living state of cells can be evaluated by measuring the exaltation degree of the body.  Let me put it this way: Human body is in the high exaltation state in the morning, and turns to be sleepy after breakfast; it will return to exaltation state before noon but go weary again after lunch.  That’s why we need to have a snap after lunch.  All these indicate the bioclock principle of the human body.  Though it is still not explicit about the advantage of such principle, we have to follow it.  That is why we need to keep repeating the fixed routine timetable of the daily life.  For example, if we go to bed at 10 tonight, we should not delay the time to 12 tomorrow night; similarly, we should not have lunch at 2 this afternoon if lunch was taken at noon yesterday.  How about the timetable of cells? For the general employees, they usually fall asleep at 10 pm, when cells in their bodies also go into the regular rest and reorganization state at exactly this time after a full working day.  What does the rest and reorganization state refer to?  It means cells are set free from the uniform command of the cerebrum and go into a free-running state.

That can be easily explained by a simple basic medical experiment on albino rats.  After the neck brisement which cut off the connection of all the organs with the cerebrum, the rats suffered muscular anchylose resulted from the lack of cerebral regulation.  So the role of the cerebrum in comprehensive regulation is one of the integrated parts in regenerative restoration of the human body.  That also illustrates why we feel comfortable in a good mood and suffer a lot in a lower spirit, which are regulated by hormones generated from the cerebrum.  In a word, based on the conception of bioclock, it is required that your life style should go with the timetable of your cerebrum.  If the regular break time for the cerebrum is at 10 pm, do not prolong the working time further after that.  It is the most important for your health to have a regular bioclock and to have proper coordination between the cerebrum and the body.  Certainly, it is also acceptable for you to sleep late if the delayed time is adjusted and regularly followed.  All the above is about the subjective bioclock.  Nevertheless, the objective bioclock in the body changes in accordance with the activity of the internal organs.  To be specific, when the human body is in a relaxing state,the internal organs are still active.  There are two forms of activities, one is in the locomotor system and the other is in internal organs.  While the locomotor system is in the resting state, all the other internal organs like GI tract and kidneys are still at work, unlike the locomotor system which solely and directly dominated by the cerebrum, the internal organs including that in the digestive system, liver, kidney and heart are also under the autonomic regulation.  That is why there is the coexistence of rest and working states in the body.

Today, we mainly focus on the regenerative restoration of the GI tract.  The digestive system including stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas forms an inner reflection and regulation system.  They will start working during the sleep.  Therefore, it is suggested to have a break after a meal.  The total energy consumed by the liver, pancreas, intestines and stomach counts up to 70% of the total systemic consumption after a meal, revealing the reason for the sleepiness after a meal.  At this stage, you feel weary even though you don’t want to sleep.  It is the time when the inner regulation system begins to work, and energy is needed for the digestion and absorption of the food taken by you.  Immediately after a meal, the production line of the GI tract chemical plant is initiated where stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas play a key role, which is assisted by the excretory system as well as other related organs like heart which will increase the circulatory blood volume by several times.  Therefore, the energy of the body should be reserved for thorough digestion and absorption during rest time at night. During work in daytime we should try to avoid the energy consumption by the internal organs so as to prevent the consequently lowered spirit.  This is about the second bioclock with the key principle being that the digestive system runs independently after a meal, exhausting 70% of the total energy, which proves the bigger meal should be taken in the evening so as to maintain the normal daily work.  This leads to the third bioclock which is about the relation between cellular metabolism and the timetable for nutrition supply.

There are two forms of cellular metabolism: energy metabolism and nutrition metabolism including proteins etc, which should be pursued biologically instead of based on personal experience.  Two hours after the body goes in quiescence, 80% of the total cells except those of GI tract are in the rest and reorganization state.  During this period, the energy consumption is less but proteolytic amino acids are required in a larger quantity.  For a person going to bed at 10 pm, cells of the body will enter the state of rest and reorganization at 12 pm.  Provided that the nutrients supplied for the cells are insufficient, nutrients from other parts of the body will be mobilized, indicating that empty stomach throughout the night will probably result in nutritional deficiency.  By that, the normal biological rhythm should be as following sequence: dinner is finished around 6 or 7 pm, followed by the completion of gastric emptying at 8 pm when intestinal tract absorption begins; then rich nutrients entering in the blood will guarantee the adequate supply of nutrition to the cells all over the body which will subsequently go into the state of rest and reorganization in succession.  At this stage, how is the energy consumed?  It takes GI tract 4-6 hours to consume the energy after dinner, thus a person can even lose weight by having the right dinner without worrying the energy deposited in the liver.  The vegetable-meat diet for weight reduction proposed by me can be achieved by following the above principle, i.e. high-protein and low-carbohydrates dinner.  Cell metabolism needs the bioclock of nutrition supplement period, when cellular repair often occurs with protein as the only source.  The required proteins are ingested from food, which will not play its role until the completion of digestion and absorption by the GI tract two hours later instead of immediately after a meal.  For a regular sleep pattern, protein-consumed cellular repair occurs at night while energy-consumption for cellular activity is in the daytime.  The required energy is basically provided by sugar.  For most of the non-labor employees whose energy expenditure by the cerebrum exceeds that by the muscle, the excessive sugar ingested in the daytime tends to be deposited as fats in the body.  This is why less intake of carbohydrates in the daytime is suggested; besides, protein is also not needed much in the daytime when cells are busy with work and do not have spare time to absorb protein for repair.  Based on the different tendency for absorption at different time, unnecessary nutrients usually turn into a ‘waste’.  In a word, the human body can be satisfied with adequate nutrition by following the principle of low carbohydrates and low protein diet in the daytime and high protein intake in the evening.