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How to eat

作者:Xu Rongxiang 出版社:CHINA SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESS 發(fā)行日期:2009 September
According to the proportion of nutrients essential for human cell growth, which is concluded from the cell culture, we have formulated the food combination of diets and name it as 4:1:1:1:3. This means that the meal should contain 40% of meet, 10% of eggs, 10% of seafood, 10% of carbohydrates, and 30% of vegetables. Details are as following:

In the following part, I will give an illustration of our working and resting timetable, and the time of food going down after meal.  Two hours are needed to empty the human stomach, so after having dinner at 6 o’clock, the time for emptying the stomach should be reserved, so people should go to sleep after 8 o’clock so as to have a comfortable feeling when the stomach is emptied.  Then the food will stay in the small intestine for 4-6 hours to be digested and absorbed.  This is why people have to take three meals every day to maintain the adequate nutrients for the body.  The GI tract is restless all day due to the digestion and absorption of breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Therefore, I proposed the conception of the work and rest timetable of GI tract, which suggests less eating during the day to make the gastrointestinal less burdened and less energy consumed and heavy eating before sleeping when the other organs consume less energy, and the GI tract can digest food and absorb the nutrition well.  The bioclock diet we have proposed is high quality eating in the morning, less eating at noon, and heavy eating (protein) in the evening. 

Everyone knows what to eat, but it is very complicated in term of mechanisms concerning the relationship between what you eat and finally what the cells get.  For example, you have beef for dinner; and after the beef enters your stomach, small amount of the proteins in beef are transformed into amino acids while most of the proteins are transformed in the intestine.  No fat in the beef and starch can be transformed in the stomach which only grinds them with the aids of the gastro acid juice, so that the rough starch becomes refined.   Almost all the food in the stomach will be transformed in some degree.  It is believed that people will have more energy after having meals.  But in fact it is just the opposite; many heart attacks occur after meal when more energy is consumed for digestion, which is as tiring as having just climbed a mountain. 

After the food is ingested, the stomach will secrete abundant specific digestive juice according to different types of food taken.  For example, the person who has taken the julep will feel sour in the stomach because the sugar stimulates the stomach to secrete a large amount of gastric acid juice.  The total number of digestive juices produced depends on how many kinds of food are taken in.  Therefore, everyone should diversify the diet; otherwise the single food will cause the loss of other functions of the stomach.  According to the principle of regenerative restoration theory I have illustrated today, we should have diversified diet containing proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, thus to balance the digestive juice secretion.  Some people prefer diet with only fruits or vegetables in order to lose weight, but the result is usually weight loss complicated with cancer due to the deficiency of the nutrition for cells.

The second step is food absorption in the intestine.  The starting point of the intestine is the duodenum.  Vitamins, fats, carbohydrates in the beef are absorbed by small intestine.  For example, after the fats go through the intestine, they are esterified by the bile secreted by gall bladder and pancreatic lipase and proteinase secreted by pancreas; proteins are transformed into amino acids; and polysaccharide is transformed into glucose and then absorbed by the small intestine. 

It is the intestinal villi’s responsibility to absorb the nutrition.  The loss of villi can cause the dysfunction of intestine in nutrition absorption, and therefore energy and nutrition supply deficiency.  The healthy youth has a thicker layer of villi which have a strong ability of absorption, while 40%-50% of the intestinal villi will exfoliate or lose their function at the age of 30.  At this stage, no matter how many nutrients are taken, they can not be absorbed any more due to the absence of absorption channel.  That is why at the early stage of our regeneration and restoration, the intestinal functions of digestion and absorption should be adjusted to the best state, which means the regeneration of the intestinal villi.  No matter how proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals are absorbed, they will firstly go through the intestinal villi into the blood circulation before delivered to the liver.  After the detoxication by the liver, they will be released again into the blood circulation and finally go to the heart.  This is why MEBO Gastrointestinal Capsule has to be administered before regenerative restoration program.  If the condition of the GI tract is not improved, MEBO Elixir containing regenerative nutrients can not be absorbed.  The process of nutrition absorption needs energy, thus proteins and fats can not be absorbed when the cells are aged.  It is important for us to know that two conditions should be met for the absorption of nutrients: firstly, the food should be digested into absorbable substances in the GI tract; secondly, cells have the absorbing ability.  By that, how to promote the absorption ability of the GI tract is the key in regenerative restoration.  Though we can not deliver the regenerative nutrients directly into the blood circulation, we can regenerate and renew the gastrointestinal mucosa to improve the absorption function so that the GI tract can absorb more nutrients.  After fulfilling the optimization of the gastrointestinal function, we can start the systemic regenerative restoration treatment and service.

The content above is about the concept of digestion and absorption for your grasp, highlighting the method to promote the thorough nutrients absorption is the replacement of the aged cells with regenerated young cells which participate and ensure the nutrients digestion and absorption.  For example, the conventional treatment for gastric ulcers leads to the healing with scar formation, which will cause the functional deficiency in digestion and absorption at the scared healing site of the mucosa.  By the in-situ regenerative restoration technique, the ulcerous mucosa can be regeneratively repaired to the normal state with the recovered function; other incurable diseases such as severe gastric ulcer, stomach cancer, and radiation ulcer can be cured with regenerative restoration technique in several months; the gastrointestinal mucosa with entire functional deficiency can also be renewed and regenerated; this applies in other human organ disorder.