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.Concept and Principle of BRT with MEBT/MEBO

作者:Rong Xiang Xu 出版社:KARGER 發(fā)行日期:In 2004

1). Concept: BRT with MEBT/MEBO is a medical treatment which promotes the cell regeneration of residual skin tissue and wound healing by keeping burns wounds in a three-dimensional physiologically moist environment and facilitating the liquefaction and discharge of the necrotic skin tissue.

2). Principle: MEBO, specially invented for BRT with MEBT/MEBO, is an ointment whose base includes a frame structure composed of beeswax which musters a refined botanical oil containing active ingredients.

When applied onto the wounds, the oil sequestered in the beeswax frame is warmed up in contact with body temperature and thus penetrates into the wounds. Four biochemical reactions between MEBO’s active constituents and the burn tissue take place while the nutritional substances are supplied continuously to the surviving cells in the wounds. The oil then loses its lipophilic nature, seeps out of the drug layer and is discharged from the wound. Fresh MEBO continues to penetrate into the tissue, so that liquefied necrotic skin is removed from the superficial to the interior planes without causing further injury. Simultaneously, this mechanism of action also features a replenishment of the drug in continuous cycles. These cycles ensure active drainage of metabolic waste products including pathogenic bacteria from the injured viable tissue, hence the caveat to not apply topical sterilizing agents. Tissue fluid in the wound supplies the requisite physiologically moist environment. The cycle also ensures continuous supply of indispensable nutritional substrates and enzymes to the recuperating wound tissue. Furthermore, the frame structure of MEBO base effectively insulates and isolates the vulnerable wound from the external environment by forming a viscous dressing. A remarkable characteristic of this “dressing” is that it prevents foreign external contaminants from penetrating while allowing for the exodus of metabolic debris products resulting from the regeneration of the wounded tissue. In a metabolic sense, the MEBO allows the wound to “breath” is a manner very similar to that of normal skin.