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2. Research Status of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine an

作者:Xu Rongxiang 出版社:CHINA SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESS 發(fā)行日期:2009 September

The “Healing” process can be observed to result in one or the other of two major sequelae—scarred and scar-free healing. Healing with scar formation is the result of aberrant and suboptimal physiological processes while scar-free healing is the result of healthy and appropriate physiological processes working in conjunction with the forces of regeneration. Mankind has always known this to be true but until now has failed to discover the dynamics behind the variable healing results. Certainly, if one could comprehend and reveal this mystery in order to apply it to medical fields, then the health of people the world over would be astonishingly enhanced.  Such a goal is worthy and, accordingly, that has been my focus and aspiration since I pioneered the science of regenerative medicine many years ago.

Let’s begin with definitions. The term “regeneration” implies that the human body can be stimulated to regenerate by itself through the use of its own potential but this stimulation requires an appropriate trigger or promotion factor as well as an appropriate physiological environment. In fact, each tissue or organ, including epidermis, epithelium mucosa, vascular endotheliocyte as well as blood cell in human body is engaged in exactly this process all the time. Disease, therefore, can be understood to occur when the speed of repair is slower than the speed of injury. Until the present, a lot of pathological and physiological mechanisms remain obscure to those using the conventional paradigm. Therefore, in order to uncover the mystery of regeneration in human body, we must avoid the thoughts of traditional medical thought and instead utilize a new body of thought which we can apply to the observation and study of human physiology. This new body of science has led us to the field of regenerative medicine.

Our whole framework of Regenerative Medicine has epoch-making significance— diseases will be cured and the people’s health will be improved by the potentials whirling unharnessed within each human cell, tissue and organ.

In 1989, I announced the embryonic form of regenerative medicine. Today, 13 years later, American scientists are offering similar concepts, which they call “treatment of future regeneration”. Although they use the crude transplantation approach to accomplish the renaissance of organs, nonetheless, they do make use of the human body’s regenerative potential. Our schematic thoughts of regenerative medicine focused on the in vivo and in situ organ regeneration, it’s the life regeneration combined with human physiological activities. While already bearing clinical fruit, I believe our system of regenerative medicine will continue to develop and mature as we complete our research. Until now, our ideas are the most advanced and, to our knowledge, are the only ones whose efficacy is confirmed by clinic practice. Because of this, we submit our proof of regenerative medicine as a scientific conclusion, not a hypothesis.

On February 26th 2002, we attended the Stem Cells Regenerative Medicine Conference held in New Jersey. Participants had intense debates focusing on areas of stem cell research which we had already finished and where we had a lot of great achievements.

Though some scientists announced their success in reconstituting “bone” or “heart”, experts and investors alike declared that they only wanted to see some real results.  This is in accordance with the principles of science where results are what counts. Results are more important than theories. Accomplished research which springs from the solid foundation of truthful thoughts is the path to progress and innovation.

Physiological tissue repair and functional organ regeneration through cultivation in deep burn management has been demonstrated in our research results. The repair and promotion of mucosal tissue regeneration in the gastrointestinal tract is of interest but will not be detailed at this time. Stem cell research, which is widely known to the public, mainly refers to conventional hematopoietic stem cells.  However, great debates are continuing over whether hematopoietic stem cells are the appropriate ones to use because these cells are immature. What is stem cell? A stem cell is an undifferentiated or partly differentiated cell with the capacity of transforming into “mediate cells” with structure and function of tissues and organs.  Stem cells are similar to tumor cells as regards their proliferative capacity, but the former constitute normal tissues and organs ultimately, while the later forms tumors. The unique characteristic of stem cells is that they can develop into fully functional organs.

In the February conference, I presented our research results. Comparisons were made to current American advances in this field. Though we found that histiocytes tissue cells of each tissue and organ have the potential to regenerate, the challenging problem to doctors and researchers is how to maintain and induce the regeneration of these cells.  In our burns treatment, we have worked out a great success.  We use moist-exposed burns ointment (MEBO) to treat deep second-degree burns and by creating a physiological environment and adding life-regenerative substances, we facilitate healing without scar formation.  Information about regenerating skin subsequent to second- and third-degree burns wounds will be discussed later.  This innovative burn medical therapy (MEBT) is not only applicable to treating burn injuries, but also to the replacement and reformation of human skin – an innovation from which everyone may benefit.

Entering into 21st century, almost every doctor may question which innovative therapy is most promising for modern medicine. Many life scientists and physicians have turned their attention to stem cell research. There are various research approaches to the study of stem cell potential. Foremost of these is embryonic stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells and adult stem cells. No matter which kind of stem cell, the dream of renewing the human body’s physiological function lies in the stem cells research in vivo and in situ.  The law of in situ regeneration is the only one with any value of medical application.