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作者:Xu Rongxiang 出版社:CHINA SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESS 發(fā)行日期:2009 September

Key words:

[Stem cells]
'Stem cells' here in this book refer to the dynamic cells with the potency of proliferation and differentiation to form normal tissues or organs (or functional cells).  Those which can proliferate and differentiate but not form the normal tissues or organs (or functional cells) should not be classified as stem cells, like cancer cells; the same case is with the common cells with injure repair ability which also have the proliferation and differentiation function but form the scar tissues instead of normal.

Stem cells can also be classified according to the origins or functions as follows: those derived from embryonic cells are called embryonic stem cells; those existing in the body as the state of stem cells are called adult stem cells; those transformed from hystiocytes are called tissue (somatic) stem cells.  Based on the functions, stem cells can be categorized into several types: totipotent, pluripotent or monopotent stem cells, like hemopoietic stem cells (HSC) with only the single function of hemopoiesis.   

In a word, any cell called as a normal stem cell should share the common character of proliferation and differentiation to form normal tissues or organs (or functional cells).  It is a serious concept mistake to term cells without the ability to form normal tissues or organs (or functional cells) as stem cells. For example, none of the virus assisted gene reprogrammed iPS cells has developed into the normal stem cell, not even mentioning the formed normal tissues or organs, thus the claim of iPS cells as 'induced stem cells' was a severe concept mistake.  Instead, the inventor should name the iPS cells according to the actual cell character not by borrowing the existing term.

[Potential Regenerative Cells (PRCs)]
Referring to the type of histiocytes in human body that have the potential to proliferate and differentiate and subsequently develop into tissues or organs.  Such cells share the similarity in the characteristic life circle with other common histiocytes which have no the above potential, but they are different from the common histiocytes in that can be induced into stem cells (indicating the concept of secondary life regenerative cells and long-term dormant cells). 

[The induction of somatic cells into stem cells]
Referring to the process by which somatic cells without the change of life properties are directly induced into stem cells that have the potential to proliferate and differentiate and subsequently develop into normal tissues or organs (or functional cells) with natural ingredients composed nutrients (or ingredients not changing the structure and characters of the cells). 

[In situ regenerative restoration of tissues and organs]
Referring to a technical result that PRCs are induced into stem cells by regenerative nutrients combined with various techniques, and subsequently new tissues or organs are regenerated in situ to replace those losing structure and functions, so that they are completely integrated with the remaining original tissues or organs in structure and function.   

[Human body regenerative restoration science]
It is an innovative application system of life science on the regenerating life activity and principle of PRCs induction into stem cells, on the life activity and principle of the induced stem cells regenerative restoring tissues or organs in situ, and on the living requirements and essential life nutrients for cell regeneration so that to realizes the in situ regenerative restoration of organs with acquired defect, premature aging, mutation, premature apoptosis or severe organ tissue disorders by utilizing the regenerative potential and regenerative nutrients. 

Potential regenerative cells (PRCs) are invigorated and cultured with regenerative nutrients and newly regenerated cells replenish the acquired cells defect in organs or tissues and replace cells with premature aging, mutation, premature apoptosis or severe organ tissue disorders in the organ tissues, realizing the effective medical treatment for diseases, disease prevention, suspension and restoration of premature aging, discontinuation or prevention of cellular mutation as well as health and longevity.

By that, the final goal can be achieved of the improved quality of human lives, the extended young state of the life circle, improved life level and reformed source energy for human life. 

Cell category

[Regenerative cells]
Referring to the collective name for all cells with regenerative potential

[The first life cells]
Referring to cells developing from embryo to different ultimate histiocytes 

[The secondary life cells]
Referring to ultimate tissue cells with further regenerative potential to proliferate and differentiate again to develop into normal tissues and organs; such cells belong to the category of PRCs, and they are considered as the exceptional function of the first life cells since they have already completed the mission of ultimate differentiation and development

[In situ cells]
Referring to the naturally existing cells (original cells) in human tissues and organs instead of in vitro implanted cells

[In situ cell regeneration]
Referring to the transformation of the naturally existing cells in human tissues and organs to stem cells at their original to regenerate new cells

[Tissue/somatic stem cells]
Referring to the stem cells derived from tissue cells, as embryonic stem cells derived from embryonic cells

[In situ stem cells]
Referring to cells transformed from in situ histiocytes to function as stem cells in situ

[Dormant cells]
Referring to one type of PRCs which are produced in dissymmetrical mitosis during the coursed of human body development and remain in dormant status afterwards without further development

[Cell aging]
Referring to the course of cell fibrosis 

[Aged cell]
Referring to the cells in fibrosis status

[Premature aging]
Referring to the aging coming in advanced stage before the supposed natural aging course by its life properties

[Cell mutation]
Referring to the transformation of cells to abnormal cells not going with the normal life

[Cell disorder]
Referring to the endogenous diseases resulted from cellular metabolism and structural disorder

[Cell regeneration]
Referring to the process of cell cloning to produce an identical new cell

[Cell regeneration relay]
Referring to the process of the cell-cloning produced identical new cell replacing another same functional cell

[Cell self-renewal]
Referring to the self-substitution of the same one cell without quantity change 

Tissue category:

[Tissue organ]
Referring to the functional tissue unit composed of more than one type of cells

[Organ tissue]
Referring to tissues in the organ
[Cell connection]
Referring to the process of multiple newly regenerated cells linked together to form a tissue

[Tissue construction]
Referring to the process of the newly regenerated tissue units integrated together to form a larger tissue, tissue organ or organ

[In situ tissues]
Referring to the naturally existing tissues in the organs and tissues

[Physiological structure]
Referring to the structure identical to the original one of the organ or tissue in structure and life function

[Physiological healing]
Referring to the healing with the recovered physiological structure

[Tissue regenerative restoration in situ]
Referring to the in situ recovery of the tissue with defected or aging parts

[Organ regenerative restoration in situ]
Referring to the in situ recovery of the organ with defected or aging parts

[Tissue and organ regenerative restoration in situ]
Referring to the process of the in situ recovery of tissues and organs with defected or aging parts by in situ cell regenerated tissues and organs with the identical structure and function

[Suspension/discontinuity of the premature organ aging]
Referring to suspending the course of advanced aging

[Regenerative restoration of the premature aging]
Referring to the restoration of the tissues and organs in advanced aging back to the non-aging status by regenerative ways

Nutrients category:

[Basic nutrients]
Referring to the discovered life-sustaining nutritional elements

[Total nutrition]
Referring to the discovered nutritions containing all the available nutrients

[Regenerative nutrition]
Referring to the nutrition essential for cells to display the regenerative function

[Regenerative substances/nutrients] 
Referring to the nutritional ingredients required by regenerative cells for their life activities
[Regenerative nutrients compounds]
Referring to the various compositions of the ingredients of regenerative nutrients

[Regenerative restoration]
Referring to the structural and functional recovery of tissues and organs with in situ cell regeneration

[Regenerative restoration health preservation]
Referring to the measures to maintain the health of human body and sustain the normal status of tissues and organs by regenerative restoration technique

[Bio clock of human body]
Referring to the common life activity and principle of 80% cells of the human body

[Human bio clock diet]
Referring to the diet principle and amount of the food required by over 80% cells of the human body

[Regenerative total nutrient diet]
Referring to the total nutrient diet composed of regenerative nutritional ingredients catered for all types of cells going with human bio clock based on the need of human body regeneration 

[Injury-free introduction of regenerative nutrients]
Referring to the technique causing no injury to the tissue to deliver regenerative nutrients into the human body

[Injured introduction of regenerative nutrients]
Referring to the tissue injury causing technique (eg. laser) to deliver regenerative nutrients into the human body

Application category:

[Regenerated life]
Referring to the life of a new living body generated by cell regeneration procedure

[Regenerated expectancy]
Referring to the extended new lifespan after body regenerative restoration 

[Regenerative medicine]
Referring to the medicine where the regenerative potential of the human body is used to realize human tissue and organ regenerative restoration in situ

[Regenerative repair]
Referring to repair the injured tissues or organs by regeneration procedure but not necessarily achieve the complete regenerative restoration 

[Regenerative wound healing]
Referring to wound healing through the in situ regeneration of the residual tissues on the wound

[Wound regenerative restoration]
Referring to in situ regeneration of new tissues or organs with identical structure and function to the original ones on the wound

[Human body regenerative restoration in situ program]
Referring to the plan of in situ human body regenerative restoration for health preservation based on individual physical condition 

Regenerative anti-cancer category

[Regenerative anti-cancer experiments]
Referring to the anti-cancer experiments performed by the method used in normal cell regeneration study

[Apoptosis type death of Cancer cells]
Cancer cell died with the process of cell apoptosis instead of the common cell necrosis which normally release toxins

[Cancer cell mutation]
The abnormally change of the structure and organ functions of cancer cell

["Three highs" diet]
Referring to high protein, high calories and high vegetable diet